Frame Display Toolbar

The buttons that appear in the Frame Display window vary according to the particular configuration of the analyzer. For controls not available the icons will be grayed-out.


Frame Display Toolbar Icons
Icon Description
Go to Control Window Control – Brings the Control window to the front.
Open File Open File - Opens a capture file.
I/O Settings I/O Settings - Opens the I/O Settings dialog.
Save Capture File Save - Save the currently selected bytes or the entire buffer to file.
Clear Clear- Discards the temporary file and clears the display.
Event Display – Brings the Event Display window to the front.
Duplicate View - Creates a second Frame Display window identical to the first.
Apply/Modify/Dispaly Filters Apply/Modify Display Filters - Opens the Display Filter dialog.
Quick Filtering Quick Protocol Filter - brings up a dialog box where you can filter or hide one or more protocol layers.
Protocol Stack Protocol Stack - brings up the Protocol Stack Wizard where you can change the stack used to decode framed data
Reload Decoders Reload Decoders - When Reload Decoders is clicked, the plug-ins are reset and received frames are re-decoded.  For example, If the first frame occurs more than 10 minutes in the past, the 10-minute utilization graph stays blank until a frame from 10 minutes ago or less is decoded.
Find Find - Search for errors, string patterns, special events and more.
Notes Display Capture Notes - Brings up the Capture Notes window where you can view or add notes to the capture file.
Add or Modify Bookmarks Add/Modify Bookmark - Add a new or modify an existing bookmark.
Display All Bookmarks Display All Bookmarks - Shows all bookmarks and lets you move between bookmarks.
Reload Decoders - When Reload Decoders is clicked, the plug-ins are reset and received frames are re-decoded.  For example, If the first frame occurs more than 10 minutes in the past, the 10-minute utilization graph stays blank until a frame from 10 minutes ago or less is decoded.
Frame Filter Filter: Text giving the filter currently in use. If no filter is being used, the text reads "All Frames" which means that nothing is filtered out. To see the text of the entire filter, place the cursor over the text and a ToolTip pops up with the full text of the filter.
The following icons all change how the panes are arranged on the Frame Display. Additional layouts are listed in the View menu.
Show Default Panes Show Default Panes - Returns the panes to their default settings.
Show Only Summary Pane Show Only Summary Pane - Displays only the Summary pane.
Show All Panes Except Event Pane Shall All Panes Except Event Pane - Makes the Decode pane taller and the Summary pane narrower.
Toggle Display Lock - Prevents the display from updating.
Go To Frame Go To Frame
First Frame - Moves to the first frame in the buffer.
Previous Frame - Moves to the previous frame in the buffer.
Next Frame - Moves to the next frame in the buffer.
Last Frame - Moves to the last frame in the buffer.
Find on Frame Display only searches the Decode Pane for a value you enter in the text box.
Find Previous Occurence Find Previous Occurrence - Moves to the previous occurrence of the value in the Frame Display Find.
Find Next Occurence Find Next Occurrence - Moves to the next occurrence of the value in the Frame Display Find.
Cancel Current Search Cancel Current Search - Stops the current Frame Display Find.
Summary Drop Down Box: Lists all the protocols found in the data in the file. This box does not list all the protocol decoders available to the analyzer, merely the protocols found in the data. Selecting a protocol from the list changes the Summary pane to display summary information for that protocol.  When a low energy predefined Named Filter (like Nulls and Polls) is selected, the Summary drop-down is disabled.   
Text with Protocol Stack: To the right of the Summary Layer box is some text giving the protocol stack currently in use. Protocol In Use Text


Note: If the frames are sorted in other than ascending frame number order, the order of the frames in the buffer is the sorted order. Therefore the last frame in the buffer may not have the last frame number.

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